This product was created by a mom who wanted to come up with a product to keep her own children safe. Since the product worked so well with her own children, she decided to make them for the public to help keep all children safer.
By placing the magnet with the hand print and cute graphics on it, on your car, you can keep your kids safer while you tend to their siblings or while you load or unload you car.
I wanted to share this product with other parents or parents to be, simply because it works! Plus, who doesn't want to keep their little ones extra safe?!
Recently I discovered that the same company now also makes a similar product called Penalty Pal.
I have to admit I was a little skeptical about this product at first because my 4 year old can be impossible to get to sit in time outs (especially since he isn't in time out often).
I asked the company if I could try out the Penalty Pal and they graciously obliged. I decided to put the sticker on top of the seat portion of one of our extra wooden kids chairs and kept it in our family room. To my surprise, when I told my son to go sit in time out, he actually did go sit when it was on the Penalty Pal sticker! I was definitely a believer in the product after that.
Even though neither of my children frequent time out, at least I know that we now have a method that works.
The people over at Parking Pal and Penalty Pal have agreed to let me have a giveaway of one of each of their products.
Here is what you need to do to enter!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Good Luck!