Today we went to hang out with Devon and Hailey at the pool at their hotel. Kate was at her training for work, and Marc was at work, so it was just all the cousins.

Miss P fell asleep on the way there, so she swam for a little bit but wasn't to happy about it.
It was chilly at first too, so that probably didn't help either.

She did LOVE putting her feet in the hot tub water with me though. Loves warm water, just like her mama!

Mattie on the other hand was being my little fish as always. He spent almost the entire time in the pool and loved every minute of it. We need to work on the swimming without the swimmies some more, but at least we aren't afraid of being in the water or swimming in the entire pool.
Miss Hailey is also a little fish. That girl has NO fear of the water at all! She can thank her daddy for that one!
I think between the three of them, they have gone through a pound of goldfish crackers in the last few days!
Swimming is so much fun :) Glad the kids had a good time!